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For the end user, working your leads in Open Leads is extremely simple and easy.

When you open the Lead Detail Screen, you see all of the contact information that is available for that lead and any pending Tasks that need to be completed.

Simply click on the green check mark icon next to a Task that is due, and then click “Complete.” The Task is then moved to the History Section for that lead and date and time stamped. A Comment Box also shows so that you can record information related to the completion – such as notes from a phone conversation.

The “Add Comment” function can also be used to record any other pertinent information regarding that task – such as meeting notes or a conversation recap, or even to copy and paste the text of a reply to an email you sent. Once recorded as a comment, you can review the information as a record of contact you have had with that lead at any time.

Based on your progress with the lead, you can schedule additional Tasks, update their status in the Sales Pipeline, or change their type, etc.

Adding a Task

To add an Task – such as a “Follow-up Call” to a Lead from within the Lead Detail, simply click “Add Task” in the Tasks Box to the right of the screen. When you click this link, you will pop open the Add Task editor.

The minimum you would need to do is give the Task a name and assign it a Task Type – here it is a “Follow up” – and schedule it for a date and time. You can elect to choose a date using the popup calendar feature (click on the calendar icon next to the date field)

or enter a date, date and time, or by using a Smart Date phrase (if you type “Next Tuesday” in the date field, the program will automatically go and fetch the date of next Tuesday, or if you typed “1 week” the program will fetch the date one week in the future). An email reminder can then be scheduled to go at a pre-determined interval, i.e. 15 minutes before the scheduled Task, to the user that is selected for the task (it will default to the logged-in User).

Click “Save,” and the Task will be scheduled.

All new tasks created in Open Leads can now be assigned to a user, whereas previous versions had Tasks inheriting the user(s) assigned to the Lead. When adding a new task, simply choose the user you wish to assign to that task from the dropdown list. This defaults to the user logged in, but gives the added flexibilty to assign a specific task to any of your available users.

Advanced users may elect to enable branching. Branching allows you to trigger two distinct workflows based on a branching question – for example “Did prospect buy?” A “Yes” response would trigger a “Sold” workflow, while a “No” would result in a “No Sale” workflow being applied to the lead.

Lead Grouping

Lead Grouping serves to help organize related lead data. For your purposes, you will want to group leads that belong to the same organization, such as several contacts for the same company. Primary, or “parent” Leads are indicated by the red and gray sphere symbol, and Secondary or “child” records are indicated by all gray spheres. Once grouped, all comments and history records for the entire group are displayed in all of the individual Lead Detail Screens. Users may toggle back and forth between viewing history for the entire group or just the Lead that they are viewing by clicking on the “Show just this Lead” link inside the history box.

You can also add additional Leads to any of the groups you have set up in your account using forms. Selecting this option pre-populates certain General Contact Fields with data, reducing duplication, and automatically grouping the information with the parent lead.

Grouped Leads can be easily distinguished on the Lead List and are easily found by using the filter system to create a View on the lead list. For example you can show only Grouped Leads, or only Ungrouped Leads, or only Primary leads, reducing clutter on your lead list.


Any user can send single emails out of the system. Depending on the version of Open Leads you use, users can send up to 15000 mass email messages per month to segments of their lead list.

In addition, Open Leads Email allows users to insert “Tokens” in the body of their message. Tokens retrieve data from your Lead record and places that data in the message text. For example, your Account Administrator may have created a message for use as a Template for a single or mass email that uses these Tokens. Starting the message with “Dear [First],” causes the message that the Lead would receive would be addressed to them by their First Name as it is recorded in their lead record. This is an extremely valuable tool in terms of lead deliverability and read-rates. Your account generates Tokens for every Field in your account, and a list of the available Tokens for your account are displayed to the right of your screen in the Send Email screen. When composing an email, you can simply copy and paste the tokens as needed into the body of your message.

Also, be aware that all mass email messages sent out of Open Leads are CAN-SPAM compliant and employs a generic opt-out message as required by Federal Law. You can, however, elect to create a custom message to go with the opt-out message. This option also uses the Token system. Simply compose your phrase at the end of your message, such as: “If you no longer wish to receive mail from me, click here: [unsubscribe]” – you can customize this in any manner you wish, as long as you include the Unsubscribe Token.

For more information on composing and sending email to your leads, see the section on Mass Email in Advanced Features.

The Task Tab

The Task Tab consists of two elements, the Calendar and the Tasks List. Some users elect to work their leads from this Tab as well as from the Leads Tab. Viewing this tab shows you all Tasks scheduled for the current day. On the calendar, today’s date is outlined in red for easy visual identification. Dates with Tasks scheduled are displayed in bold.

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