One of the most handy ways to manage the views you have previously created is to use the View management function. Near the top of your leads list select the Manage Views link located directly across from the Current View list. Clicking this link will produce a list comprised of all your previously saved views.
Editing the name of an existing view– Roll your mouse over the view you wish to edit. Look for a small pencil icon. Click the pencil icon, give the view a new name and click save to update your changes.
Deleting an existing view– To delete a previously saved view mouse over the view you wish to delete. Look for the small red box icon. Clicking on that icon will produce a warning message that you are about to delete that view. If you wish to proceed click ok. The view will be deleted from your account instantly.
​Copying a created view– Many times account administrators may wish for their users to be able to see views which they have created. Using the copy feature will allow those with administrator privileges to copy their saved views. To perform this function select the paper icon located on the far right when mousing over the view you wish to copy. Clicking on this icon gives an administrator the ability to choose which user’s account they would like to copy the view to. From the resulting drop down menu select the appropriate account user.