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Now with Open Leads you can schedule a single outgoing email or an entire mass email campaign. Open Leads also has added a new Campaign  section to give you complete control over functionality of your emails.

Step 1 – Select – Send Mass Email

Select Send Mass Email just as you normally would.

Scheduling Mass Email

It is up to you whether you want to schedule your mass email or not. Regardless, a campaign is formed for either. 

New – now you can name your Campaign AND Schedule it to go out in the future. Compose your Mass Email by Click To Compose or choose from one of your Messages that you have previously saved under Settings > Messages by selecting Load Message from Library.

Select Schedule For Later  and a Date Picker will pop up.

Just select your date from the calendar and hit “Apply”. Your Mass Email is now queued to be sent.

Step 2 – Hit Send

You must hit “Send” after you selected a date. Open Leads will not send the Scheduled Message until you click “Send”.

Step 3 – Campaigns Tab

The status of your newly created campaign can be found under the New Campaigns Tab.

Email Status

You can now see all your campaigns – PAST – PRESENT and FUTURE

The Power of Campaigns Tab

The New Campaigns Tab gives you the ability not only to see your campaigns but to Modify the Date, Rename the Campaign, Pause Campaigns not yet sent and even Cancel Pending Campaigns.

Changing the Scheduled Send Date

Click on the Edit Icon and Change the Date and Name of your Campaign

Pause the Campaign

You can even pause indefinitely any Pending Campaign (click the circular pause icon).

To Unpause: click the standard Run Icon (sideways circled triangle).

Past Due Campaigns

If your campaign was paused and has expired past the delivery date, then it will show a past due icon.  Remember, unpausing a campaign that is past due will automatically send the campaign. 

Cancel Campaign

Change your mind – Click on the Trash Icon of a Pending Campaign and it will be immediately Canceled.

Campaign History –

Open Leads will store the historical record of your campaigns.

Mass Email Campaign Stats

Clicking on the Edit Icon of a Sent Campaign will give you stats on EmailedDelivered and Opened for that Campaign.

Access a campaign through lead detail

You can also see if a particular lead is tied to a campaign from within that lead. You can do this by click on the link for the email found in the History Log. Once in the email detail, it will indicate if the email is scheduled or not and if it is part of a campaign. To go to the campaign just click the “ACCESS” link. See screen shots below.

Archive/Delete validation

If you are trying to delete or archive a lead that is involved in an email campaign, the system will let you know before execution of these procedures.

Scheduling a “one-off” email

Scheduling email is not confined to just mass email. You can also schedule a “one-off” email and it will go out at the scheduled time. The difference is that there is no campaign set up for single emails. You can still access the email from within the History Log of the lead and cancel the scheduled email by clicking DELETE. See below:

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