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Add a Comment

The Comments feature is extremely useful in documenting all contact with your leads. Each comment is date and time stamped by user. For example, if you have a telephone conversation with your prospect, you can quickly type in some notes about the conversation for...

Completing a Task

Tasks may be completed from either the Tasks Tab, or from within the Lead Detail. In either instance, the process is the same: To complete a Task, simply click the green checkbox icon next to the Task name. You will also be able to enter a optional comment related to...

Filtering a Lead List

When you begin using your Open Leads account its likely that you will be placing a number of leads into your account. While its convenient to keep your leads in the same place, many times you might need to sort your lead list to see a smaller portion of your leads....

View and Edit a Lead

To view detailed information on a Lead, simply click on the Lead’s Name from the Lead List or Dashboard.From the Lead Detail Screen, you may edit any field that is displayed by just clicking on that field. Open Leads uses inline editing so that you do not leave...