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Account Administrators may manage users on their Open Leads account. This includes adding new users (up to a max of 30 per account), and assigning permissions to each user.

To add a new user to Open Leads,

1) From the Settings tab, click on the Users icon to display your current user list. From here click on the “Add User” link that displays above the current user list.

2) Enter the new user’s email address. Note that you may NOT use the same email address for more than one account user.

3) Once an email address is entered, you will be redirected to a User Edit Screen, where you can enter the User’s name, create a password for them, set their time zone, as well as define their permission level.

Administrators are allowed to add users up to the max amount allowed on your account. Adding more than 5 users to your account will result in additional monthly charges.

PERMISSIONS– a variety of user permissions are available as you set up your new users. Leaving all the options unchecked gives your users “basic” access, and restricts them to viewing/working only the Leads that are assigned to them.


Administrator – Administrators have all permissions, full edit control on all leads, and the ability to add/remove users and modify user permissions.

Regional Manager – No idea

View All Leads – User can see the lead detail for all leads in this account even if the leads are not assigned to them. They can only edit leads that they are assigned to.

Edit All Leads -User can see and edit the lead detail for all leads in this account even if the leads are not assigned to them.

Enable API – The Open Leads API (Application Programming Interface) – This function is currently limited to only enabling a single sign in functionality in conjunction with certain third party applications. When you use the API, it’s always through an existing user’s Authentication Code found in the Profile section. This permission enables ‘Single-Sign In API’ access for this user.


Apply Workflow – User can select a workflow and apply the workflow rules (actions, types, users) to a lead that they are editing.

Archive/Delete – User can archive or delete leads that they are assigned to.

Copy Leads – User can copy leads from one account to another if the user is on multiple accounts and is assigned the lead.

Delete History – User can delete comments and attachments.

Export – User can export their lead list to Excel CSV.

Import – User can import Excel CSV files into their lead list.

Mass Apply Workflow – User can run a mass workflow applicable to one or more leads at the same time

Mass Update – User can run actions against their entire lead list that modify data (e.g. Assign/Remove Type).

Send Mass Email – User can send an email campaign to their entire lead list.


Manage Custom Fields – User can add, modify, and delete custom lead fields.

Manage Custom Fields (add only) – User can create new custom fields to use when editing leads. They can’t edit or delete custom fields.

Manage Forms – User can add, modify, and delete forms.

Manage Messages – User can add, modify, and delete messages.

Manage Types – User can add, modify, and delete lead types.

Manage Types (add only) – User can create new lead types for use when editing leads. They can’t modify or delete types.

Manage Workflows – User can add, modify, and delete workflows.


Delete Tasks – User can delete tasks.

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